PHSA's Strategic Plan 2021-25

The Pennsylvania Head Start Association (PHSA) is pleased to share our strategic plan for 2021-2025. The plan represents over a year of engagement and a concerted planning effort by our board and staff to improve the future for Pennsylvania children, families, and communities. Within this narrative, we share our newly revised organizational mission and vision as well as our strategic priorities through 2025. Also included are highlights of yearly activities to advance our mission and drive forward progress on our newly formed strategic plan goals.

In April of 2020, PHSA board and staff began in the development of a strategic planning process. Strategic planning is a process through which an organization builds commitment to a set of goals and activities essential to fulfilling its mission. These priorities then guide actions that will make progress on the mission over a defined period of time.

The PHSA strategic planning process launched with a stakeholder survey. The survey, shared with partners, families, and key stakeholders in the PHSA community, provided initial input to inform the planning process. Following the stakeholder survey, board and staff members participated in a strategic planning process to refine the mission and vision of PHSA and to identify and prioritize strategic goals and activities to guide the organization from 2021-2025.

The PHSA Board and staff will update our membership at our Annual Membership Meeting of the progress made toward meeting the goals and any activities associated with achieving those goals.

The PHSA Board and staff are a dedicated group of individuals who have made a commitment to meet the needs of their membership through responsive action, support, advocacy, and representation on Regional and National Head Start Boards. We thank you for your support and welcome need ideas and interest on committees or Board involvement.

Goals Overview




   View our full Strategic Plan  

Thank you to our Proud Partners!